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Think about how you could
impact a life with your donation.
Please Donate today.


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 39504
Rpo Lakeshore Cawthra
Mississauga, ON L5G 4S6

Note:  this is a mailing address only – it is not a shelter.
Our foster homes and cats / kittens are located all over GTA


Adoption Application Form

When you hit send, if you do not see a confirmation message that reads "data sent",
please  IMMEDIATELY click the back button on your browser and press send again. 

With some browsers, we have discovered the application does not always go through the first time. 
Please DO NOT press the send button more than twice.

**If for some reason you don't think that your application has gone through,
please call our phone line 416 284 2140 and leave a detailed message.**


Generated with MOOJ Proforms Version 1.3
* Required information.
Which cat / kitten(s) are you interested in adopting?
Is this cat a gift? *
If yes, for whom?
Name of Adopter: *
Name of Spouse / Partner *
Home Telephone (no hyphens): *
Occupation *
Household Income *
Home Address: *
Cell Phone:
Email Address: *
Age Range *
Are you a permanent resident / citizen of Canada ? *
Closest Main Intersection: *
Pet Ownership
Why would you like to adopt a cat / kitten? *
Companion For A Person
Companion For A Pet
Companion For A Child
Past Pet Ownership *incl. type of pet(s) ages, health issues? Cause of death?
Still living? *
If No, why not?
Have you ever brought one of your pets to an animal shelter because you felt you could not care for it anymore? *
If so, why? *
Current Pet *incl. type of pet(s) ages, health issues?.
Where did you get your past / current pet from? *
In a few sentences, please describe what you think your cat / kitten needs will be and what supplies you think you will need to purchase before your cat/kitten arrives at your home. *
What training methods will you use for your cat/kittens? *
More Information
Have they been vaccinated? *
Are / were they neutered / spayed? *
Have you ever had a cat declawed? *
Where do your pets spend time? *
How many people live in your home? *
Do you have children? *
If Yes, Number and Ages of Children?
Has everyone in the family agreed to getting a cat? *
Do you rent or own? *
Type of home *
Does anyone have pet allergies? *
Are cats permitted? *
Will your cat / kitten have access to your entire home? *
Do you have a car? *
Do you plan on moving or going on vacation in the next month? *
How long will your cat / kitten be left alone each day? *
What will you do with your cat while you are vacationing? *
Do you have pet insurance?
When is the best time to reach you? *

What brands of food do you feed your cats?

Dry *
Wet *
List Brands Here
Vet Clinic Name:
Vet Phone No. (no hyphens)
May we contact your vet
How did you hear about Abbey Cat Adoptions? *