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impact a life with your donation.
Please Donate today.


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 39504
Rpo Lakeshore Cawthra
Mississauga, ON L5G 4S6

Note:  this is a mailing address only – it is not a shelter.
Our foster homes and cats / kittens are located all over GTA



Remember Beau (AKA Brophy?) Here's Another Update!!

I adopted Beau in Sept 2017.

My feral kitty Turbo had died and had been very close with my other kitty Morticia who was grieving and very lonely.

I contacted ACA after seeing a post about a gentle 3 year old black cat called Brophy (I later named him Beau).

It has been almost 7 years since adopting him.


He is a beautiful sentient being... so affectionate and loving... I’m sooo in love with him and so is Morticia.
They have bonded and are affectionate and loving together.

I am sending some pics now of Beau and Morticia together.  

I’d like to thank everyone involved with Abbey Cat Adoptions... you are all very special people... bless you all for caring and giving and help so much to save lives... you make this world a better place...


Here's An Update On Milo!!

Good morning Lena, just a quick update on Milo.

He has adjusted very well.
Loves playing with his brother.
They run around chasing each other quite a bit.

He is super sweet and loves a good pet.

Thank you so much.

Our boys make us smile when we are having a hard day.

Vivienne Is Making Herself Right At Home!!


Thank you for the well wishes & the toys you gave Vivienne she loves them, attached a video of it!

So far they have mainly been in separate rooms, Vivi has free reign of the apartment currently and they have sniffed each other under the door. I've opened it slightly briefly to see reactions and Vivienne hissed at Duncan so went back to keeping them separate. I think she just needs time to adjust to a new place and smells, and so far she has been very friendly with every person!


As a further update now as of day #2 there has been a lot of progress after exchanging smells and positive reinforcement with treats when smelling the other's items.
Duncan seems already ready to have her as a playmate but Vivienne still needs more time.
She is already letting him closer than before and has not hissed at him anymore though still approaching warily.

I think they are already making fast progress and hopefully it continues at this rate!

I've attached a few more videos of Vivienne and a couple of her new recent interactions with Duncan as well.


Hello again,

Vivienne and Duncan have been getting along well and I have stopped separating them.

They like to chase each other around for play.
Duncan can be over eager to play at times but has learned Vivi's signs when she isn't in the mood and just wants to relax.

Images & videos attached.


Here's Another Update On Kimi (Timkin)!!

Kimi has been amazing!
He is so sweet, chatty and confident and is a huge light in our lives.

He plays and cuddles with Ian before he leaves for work at 5am, then comes in bed with me and sleeps/cuddles with me until I’m up at 7:30am.

When I get home he greets me with lots of chatting and instantly wants to sit on my lap again when I’m settled, and loves curling up with us during movies or time on our computers.

His zoomies are hilarious, and he has a couple different wand toys as well as a kicker.

He’s getting wet and dry food twice a day and has eaten any brand/flavour we’ve given him without pickiness and has had no issues with using the litter box.

On days when we’re home during the afternoon, he sleeps in his cat tree, window bed or on Ian’s lap at his desk.

We were having some washing machine trouble and the maintenance guys in our building love him, everyone who meets him does.

He’s spoiled and he knows it, haha!
I attached some pictures of him as well.

Warm regards,
Sadie & Ian

Remember Blethyn? Here's An Update!!

Over the last year and a half, Lucia (FKA Blethyn) has grown
into a remarkable kitty.

Once she got settled, we were surprised to see how great she is with younger kids, and new visitors.

She has become the biggest sweetheart who loves morning cuddles, making biscuits and napping on whatever you’re working on.

She loves playing in her tube, chasing her feather wand and sneaking little pieces of cheese any chance she can.

In November 2023, we brought home 6 month old Nonino, and Lucia has been the best big sister to him.

We weren’t sure how she would react to another cat, but we sensed that she wanted a friend that could match her rambunctious playtime energy.

Within a week they were playing, chasing and falling asleep while grooming each other.

She has her own unique “torti-tude”.
She can be sassy and bossy, and is quick to use her voice but she also knows how to use her charm and beauty to get what she really wants - chin scratches and treats.

Lucia has brought us so much joy and love and we’re thrilled to have her in our family.

Thank you to everyone at Abbey cats who made this possible and her lovely foster family who took great care of her!

- Elise & Elliot

Kimi (Timkin) Has Settled In Beautifully!!

Hi all!

Timkin is home safe and sound, he did lots of perimeter sniffs and then enjoyed both wet and dry food, peeing in his litter box, and having some treats after play with his wand toy (thank you Epson!).

Overall an awesome first day, he’s already felt comfortable enough to settle down in the living room after being eager to come out of his starter room.
We’ve been calling him Kimi like the cool and confident F1 driver, and he seems to suit it so far, haha!


Thank you all again so much, I’ll be sure to provide more updates!

All our love,
Sadie & Ian
Not even 24 hours later and Kimi is cuddly on the couch!


Safe to say he’s doing well, we wanted to thank everyone at Abbey cats again for all your help and hard work, he’s an excellent fit in our family!

Thank you so much,

Sadie, Ian and Kimi

Here's An Update On Thor (Haven) & Loki (Saylor)!!

Thor (Haven) Loki (Saylor)

We adopted Loki and Thor from Abbey Cats in October 2021 at 12 weeks old and they have been the sweetest, most loving and engaging cats.

They are brothers and very bonded with each other.
They play hard, running and wrestling all around the house, and then they sleep hard - often cuddled up next to us or with each other.

Sometimes they’ll even call to each other from different parts of the house, just to “check in.”

We love them so much.

They’ve made our family infinitely better.

Millie & Billie Are Now Known As Panko & Quinoa!!

Hi everyone!

Now that it has been almost 3 months, I wanted to update you on how they are doing.

Things are going great.

Millie and Billie (now named-by Greg- Panko and Quinoa) started by bounding in and not showing an ounce of fear about the place.
In fact, the only time I have seen them afraid is when the fire alarm was tested a week ago. 

They have been endless balls of energy and enjoy both beating each other up and then teaming up to play with both of us.

We have also discovered they are very smart kitties.

They love solving puzzles and creating new puzzles to solve, like how to ope  pantry doors, break into the office, and intently follow all the activity outside from the window.
Billie / Quinoa Millie / Panko

Billie/quinoa enjoys singing arias like an opera star.

Panko/millie enjoys running over her brother when he does this.

Both got clean bills of health from the vet, who also is laughing at their antics. They are doing well.

Thank you for helping us find these two and helping us grow the family. These menaces to society have found their way into our hearts.

Wishing you all the best,
Roberta, Greg, and Billie and Millie (Quinoa and Panko)

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Remember Prince Lir? He Now Answers To Nigel!!

Here is a success story.

We adopted Nigel from you four years ago and he's the love of our life!

We also stayed in touch with his wonderful foster mum.


We are Stephanie and Adam and we adopted him in April 2020.

His name was Prince Lyr and we changed it to Nigel.

Juliette Is Now Known As Chanel!!

Good afternoon,

I am hoping everyone is doing okay and had an amazing week.

I am writing this email to update on Juliette.
After finding her forever home with Bon and David, Juliette has been giving a new name. She is now going by Chanel.

Chanel has been doing amazing and adjusting well in her new place.

She’s a very active cat but also enjoy her nap time from her cat tree and the kitchen chair.
One of her new favourite activity is to watch the sunrise and sunset from her cat tree.

She also likes to nap and be close to her human as much as possible.

Chanel likes to hangout and socialize in the office while we work from home and provided us with endless entertainment and snuggle.
Chanel also likes to stay in bed sometimes with us and slowly becoming a lap cat.

She had mastered the sit command and also learnt a new trick to find the treat in the right hand, watching cat TV, and have tons of play time with her human.

She also now is a happy client at the Canary District Animal Hospital.
She recently completed for her first vet check up and vaccinations without any fuss.
The vet mentioned she is very well behave and very healthy

David and I want to thanks the team at Abbey Cat Adoptions to help Chanel to find her forever home with us.
We are excited to continue to see our growth with Chanel in the coming years as a family.


Thank you and best regards,

David, Bon & Chanel

Here's An Update On Creole and Jambalaya!!

Hi everyone,

We adopted Creole and Jambalaya back in October.
They are now Pascal and Etienne (Pascy - black and Ettie - floof) and have grown up so quickly!

They are little loves, even if they wake us up at 5am for breakfast.

Some quirks: Ettie will bite my nose if I don’t wake up and feed him promptly, and Pascy runs into the shower when I turn on the water? He stands a bit away from the water stream but is usually unsuccessful at staying dry.

They love to chase each other and play.

Pascy is still obsessed with his spring toys.

We find them everywhere - in bed, in the bathtub, and in the toilet!

Ettie prefers crinkle balls and manages to catch them in his mouth sometimes.
They both play fetch with their preferred toys - Pascy especially.

We call Pascy “dirt boy” sometimes because he loves attacking the broom and rolling in dirt piles. He also sits on the garbage can in the kitchen while we cook.

Ettie has taken to jumping up on the closet door for some reason.

We will soon be retiring their cat tree which they treat as a jungle gym/parkour course and occasional nap area.

We’ll be looking for a very sturdy replacement.

We love them very much.

Here are some photos.


We've Just Heard From Shadow & Thunder's Family!!

Hi All,

Shadow and Thunder are doing great after their first week!

Right off the bat Shadow was running the house, hanging out, rubbing her scent on the furniture and enjoying all the attention.

Thunder took a few hours of sitting quietly on the window sill before coming to join the fun.

Now Thunder is almost more of a cuddle bug than Shadow but only when its on his own terms.

Their favourite toy so far is the cat dancer and random balls of crumpled paper. They've both become very confident during play time and especially enjoy stalking the toys around the island and chasing them up and down the couch.

Shadow enjoys spending her time sleeping on the couch or the kitchen island while Thunder has taken over my desk and the bathroom sink.

I've included some of our favourite videos and a wonderful picture of the two cuddling together on the couch.

Thank you all for your help, we are very excited to be embarking on this journey!

Kind regards,


Melody (Bonnie) Has Settled In Beautifully!!

Melody, now known as Bonnie, has settled into her new home!

She's been exploring a lot and has shown interest in her resident cat brother's toys.

She and her cat brother, Poppy, are getting along swimmingly!

They love play wrestling, chasing each other around, and share churu treats without a problem!

She has found her ideal nap spot--the couch, which she often has all to herself!


Many thanks to Abbey Cats to helping her find her way into our family!


Here's An Update On Lester (Warwick) And Roman (Nocturne)!!


They are adjusting amazingly well.  
Eating, drinking, eating treats from my hand, using the litter box, playing, exploring, and snuggling.  
They are so sweet and affectionate. 
I love them both so very much. ❤️

Update #2:

the long haired boy we are now calling Warwick and the short haired boy we are now calling Nocturne. 
Each has already started responding to their respective names.  
I really didn’t imagine them picking up on a thing like that so soon.  

They are really incredible and each day have gotten more cuddly and affectionate than the day before.
Today Warwick climbed up on my stomach while I was on the couch, made biscuits, laid down on me, snuggled, and purred like a motor boat while we watched TV together.  
And Nocturne is asleep on me right now as I type this.  

They now both follow me around the apartment like my shadow.
They are so sweet and lovable.  
It’s only been two 72 hours and they have already brought so much joy to my life.  

I am so excited to share not only my home but my life with these precious boys. 


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Creamsicle & Creme Brule Are Now Known As Elsa & Sia!!

Hi everyone,

Thought we would give you an update on the kittens.

It was a week ago we picked up the girls and they are doing awesome in their forever home with us.

They are loving the space and us, adjusting and fitting in very well.

They do have new names. 
Creamsicle is now called Elsa and Crème Brûlée Is now called Sia.

Today they met their vet and got their first round of shots. 
All and all a very good check up.

I thought I would attach a couple of pictures of them, and also add how snuggly they both are and Sia purrs endlessly every time you pick her up.  

I just love it!! 😻


Thanks again for everything.

Jess, Tom - Elsa and Sia 

Here's An Update On Benny (Now Known As Thor)!!

Hello all,
Wanted to send a quick update to let you know that Benny transitioned like a champ.
I attached just a few shots.
Upon entering the home he checked out – truly – every inch.

And has already claimed some choice seating spots in the house – like the chair closest to the fireplace. Smart guy.
After a night of good sleep seems he has found his hidden energy and is racing from upstairs to main right on through to downstairs.

This has earned him his now forever name “Thor”
Any of you familiar with that Marvel character can relate.
Pretty funny to watch.
His microchip has been registered and will take him to our vet shortly for an introduction.
Thank you all again for helping Thor find his way to us.
We are really enjoying his company.


We've Just Had An Update On Cardi B And Justin T!!

Hi Shelly and Sandrina,

I hope you’re both keeping well and warm!

I thought you might like an update on how Justin and Cardi are making out in their new home.

I can’t believe it’s been just two and half weeks since they’ve moved in.
Wow, life has changed in all the best ways!
I’m not sure if this is shunned, but we renamed them Frank and Doris after Harold’s parents.
Much like Harold’s folks, they are super hilarious, they love entertaining and socializing and they are crazy good cuddlers.

We took them to the vet for their first vaccines and wellness checks a week and a half ago and they did awesometastic.
The vet staff swooned over them, they got lots of treats for good behaviour and whizzed through their health checks with flying colours.

Playing with them is irresistible.
We’ve had a few guests over for dinner and they’re doing great with the meet and greets, Frank makes sure that no one leaves without their complimentary foot massage and ear licking.

They’re nuts for the Cat Dancer and put on quite the show boxing and wrestling, I’m figuring out a climbing wall for them.
They’re both very good helpers at work and are fascinated by screens.
Doris (Cardi) is prodigious at ensuring my work is well edited.
She likes sitting by the screen and deleting stuff or adding random numbers to documents and crushes it on Zoom and Slack calls – my colleagues are in love with her.

She is also a warrior princess – loves playing hard and expressing it.
Frank (Justin) is working on his desk yoga and loves standing upright impersonating a butterfly in his kitty tree.
He seems convinced that a wizard lives in the toilet and ensures that nobody goes to the washroom unsupervised in case the wizard gets out.

Harold installed a TV in the bedroom so we can all watch CatTV  – they bat at bugs, squirrels and birds for awhile and then we all have a good cuddle together and snooze. It feels like they are always purring, and that’s the sweetest sound we know.

Harold was very proud to score his level one nap certification this weekend from them.

Life is very, very good and Frank and Doris seem happy.
They’re growing a lot and are learning to play fetch with toys.

We’re furiously still cat-proofing the first level of the house, but they seem pretty content in the upstairs apartment in the meantime.

Harold and I fell over the moon in love with them in the first 24 hours and now it’s almost impossible to remember life without them.

Sandrina, I am forever grateful to you – thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for raising these two amazing creatures.
Lots of photos attached (and many more if you want them!).

Anna & Hal    

Helya Settled In To Her New Home Quickly!!

Helya (now known as Daisy) has settled in fine
She is very chatty and having a good time playing with her new toys
She is very happy, and settled in no problems.
No issues with food or litter box.



Vinnie & Veronica's Person Has Shared Some Pictures!!

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you a bit of an update.

Vinnie and Veronica are settling in perfectly, and are just the best cats!

We love them so much already.


Shadow & Noir Are Now Known As Tuxx & Binx!!

Hello ladies,

it's been two months since my little boys came home and so far everything is going well.
They are healthy and getting SO big.

Pictures below :)

They'll be turning 6 months in January and since you guys so graciously offered to neuter them with your partner vet and kindly included that in the adoption fee, I wanted to check- in about bringing them back in for neutering in the new year and how to proceed.  


Let me know what and when I should reach out. 
Might be early but I wanted to touch base before the holidays began.

Chat soon,
Caroline, Tuxx, and Binx.

ps: notice how my iPad doesn't stand a chance against these two. 

Aubrey & Aveley Have New Names Along With A New Family!!


Just wanted to give you an update and let you know that kittens (now known as Ginny and Seamus) have settled in very well and have immediately become part of our family.  

They are eating, drinking, using their litter boxes and generally making themselves at home!  

Also wanted to mention that their foster family did a truly fantastic job in making them comfortable with people and new things so I want to send a special thank you to Stephanie.
I will be taking them to the vet next week for an initial visit!

Thank you again,

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Aria And Stella Didn't Take Long To Settle In!!

They’re now Ravioli and Pici (two types of pasta as we’re Italiani) and Pici is loving cuddles and purrs like a locamotive.

She is very vocal for food and loves playing fetch down the stairs.

Ravi is all about the feather wand and flying full force into the air for death-defying leaps!

She loves wrestling and figuring out what household objects she can and cannot play with! 😜

And they both love each other immensely and cuddle together whenever they sleep and call to each other if they cannot see the other.

We’re happy we got them together.

Have a good one,

Trina With Her New Family!!

Hi all,

Just wanted to send a quick note to say Trina is fitting in great!
It’s like she’s been here forever.

She’s a very confident, happy, chatty girl.
We all just love her!

Our 4 year old is her little buddy and seeing these two grow up together is going to be heartwarming.

Trina aced her vet visit yesterday and her and our dog are getting more and more comfortable together each day.

They both slept on our bed with us last night and come down in the morning together for trick training.

I’ve included some vids and pics.

Thanks for connecting us with our newest family member ❤️


Here's An Update On Nina!!

Hello All ❤️

Nina (now Nünya/Nünu) is doing great in her forever home.

She has so much kitten energy, is very chatty, and is quite attached to me.

Thank you!

Poro Is Settling In Nicely!!

Hello everyone!

Aaron and I wished to share an update. 

Poro is adapting quite well to its new surroundings.
As soon he arrived home, he went to explore and look which spots he would like to lounge at.

The first night went fairly well.
He spent time with us in the bed and really wanted Aaron to play with him at 4am.

The morning after we did a lot of play sessions in the morning and in the afternoon he found his new preffered spot to nap by the windows.

His evening consisted of following us around and watching television on the couch with us.

For his second night, he was so tired from all the playtime that he jumped right on the bed and slept with us!

He has a good appetite, enjoys his water fountain and had no problem using his litterboxes.

We will keep you posted with more updates and thanks for helping all these beautiful cats!

Here's Poro with his favourite feather wand.
He brings it with him everywhere, even in bed!
He also discovered that our bathroom has heated floors and loves lounging there when we do our skincare routine.

Warm regards,


Shimmer And Shine - One Month Update!!

Hi Nazia,

Hope you and all your kitties are well!

I just wanted to send a little update now that Aurora and Selene are settled in, they are super happy and sweet little cats and we are so in love with them.

Both of them are curious and playful, it’s been super fun getting to see them develop their adult cat skills over the last few weeks as they zoom around and tussle.

They have both had their second round of vaccines and are booked for a third, and the vet said they are healthy and super sweet.

They are also starting to teethe, as we think they were born at the end of June.
No issues with litter box or food, and cat grass has distracted them perfectly from my plant babies.

Getting to know them and them revealing their little quirks to us is so rewarding, Aurora discovered recently she loves to be dragged around on a blanket, Selene likes to carry (and steal) socks and other objects and both of them love their ears being crushed and pulled on (to a disturbing degree).

On the couch lives the greatest evil and adversary in the mortal realm/small apartment - a fluffy throw pillow.
Laundry and adjacent items seems to be a particular love, or maybe hate, dirty laundry gets tossed out of the hamper and carried around, the hamper is the best surprise attack hiding spot and scratching post, and they love to “help” with clean laundry by attacking anything newly folded.

When playing, they are really gentle with us and each other; you can tell they will be really respectful and tolerant cats.

Regardless of their (minimally) chaotic forces, they are so loving towards and curious about people.

We have had a few cat friendly people over and they were extremely social right away, Aurora in particular loves to greet new people and is bold and confident.
Selene will watch for a little then come and sit with or brush against the newcomer.

They also have a dedicated cat-sitter/godmother (one of my best friends who is a professional pet sitter and dog walker) who loves them lots and brings them presents and treats.
Cats have always made my life better and having two of my own after the last few years living away from home without pets is such a blessing.
The best part of the day is when I come home and they are waiting for me at the door, or on their window shelf, greet me with a little “mrrp” or stretch, then come for pets.

I’ve attached some pictures.


Thank you again for fostering them, and pass on a thank you to Abbey Cats from us for everything they do for cats and adopters.

Every bit of compassion and care counts for any being, especially ones as special as cats.
Keep doing what you’re doing!


Here's An Update On Betty & Wilma!!

Living their best life♥️

Peppa Is Now Known As Goma!!

Hi all,
Peppa (now renamed to Goma) is settling in very well and has adjusted to my place fairly quickly.

A little wary of guests, but she's very comfortable with being pet on her head and back.

She is definitely becoming more affectionate as the days go by; she started from sleeping at my feet to sleeping beside me on my blanket at night.

She's the best thing and I am so in love with her personality!

Let me know anytime if you'd like more updates and pictures

Here's An Update On Mamas!!

Mamas has been adjusting to her new home quite well.

She’s very cuddly and always looking to snuggle.

Thanks for all that you do — we’re so happy to have found her. 😊

Fergus And Lachie (Now Max & Milo) - One Year Later!!

Hi there.

I just wanted to give you an update on our babies we adopted almost a year ago now.

They turned 1 in August and are the most precious little boys.
I’m so grateful for them everyday.

I wish I could adopt them all!

You all do an amazing job finding these little ones homes."


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Caramel And GummyBear Are Living The Good Life!!

Caramel and GummyBear are settling in nicely

- thanks again for all you do!

- Gabrielle


Here's An Update On JellyBean!!!

Jellybean saw the vet yesterday and is in good health and got her first set of shots.

She is very energetic and is eating well.
Not the cuddle cat like her sisters, who just want to be held all the time.
One picture is Jellybean sleeping on her big sister Marigold.  
She tried to nurse on her too.

Marigold and Clover were spayed on Monday.
I had just taken off Marigold's cone while she was beside me and could ensure she was not licking her tummy.
They slept together for 45 minutes.

During the day she is with Courtney in her room while she works.

I hope your holiday weekend went well.

Take care,

Fudge And Lollipop Have Settled In Nicely!!

Hello all,

We just wanted to send word that these 2 cuties are settling in really well :)
they do everything together and it’s so sweet.

We’re so fortunate to have them in our lives and are so thankful to all of your for trusting us with them :)

their first vet appointment is this Sunday at Arnold Crescent animal hospital here in Richmond hill.

They have been super playful, eating and drinking well.
Lots of little pees and poops so they seem healthy and happy so far!

We’ve also given Dvora an update as well and are happy to send updates whenever anyone wishes!

Fudge is now Camden and Lollipop is now Primrose.
We decided to leave their original names as “middle names “ ;).

The names we gave them are of personal significance to Jim and i as these are locations in London where we met and lived so we thought it would be nice to give them names with personal meaning.

See below for some super cute pictures :) thank you so much for everything!

Melissa & Jim  

Morgan Is Now Known As Rena!!

I just wanted to send an update on Morgan whom we call Rena…

things are going well
-it did take some time for Smokie to understand she was not being replaced, but the two are playing more and more…

Rena is a sweet girl but no shrinking violet who fits perfectly in our family

Here's An Update On Marguerite!!

Hi all,

I wanted to send an update on how Marguerite has been settling in - it’s gone very well so far.

She spent a fair bit of time under my bed the first couple of days, but was keen for some attention when I lured her out.

Since then she has been feeling much more at home, eating well, taking naps on the couch and even climbing onto my lap.

She’s a sweetheart.
I have attached some pics.

Thank you for all your help bringing us together!


Cumulo Is Now Known As Ziggy!!

Hi Ezra and Julie: 

Cumulo is doing so well!
He came in last night and went straight to exploring the house.. calling out and frightening at times, but determined to explore.

He is a very brave boy. With him glued to me, we explored the house together and all the toys and new cat tree for him to play with.

He slept on the bed but was up and down most of the night...still exploring and then calling out for me. So I'd call him back to bed and we'd cuddle for a bit and off he went again. (Neither of us slept much.)

He ate everything I put down for him...What an appetite!
Used his litter box right away.

He is the sweetest boy and so loving and trusting so fast. 💗

I promise he will have a wonderful life here.
And.. have to find him a mate now, as he keeps looking for your cat Ezra, I can't remember her name, but looking to play.

We are off to a fabulous beginning.

I've decided to call him Ziggy, as his face markings remind me of Ziggy Stardust makeup/David Bowie. 

Shelley & Ziggy

An Update On Hinata and Shikamaru!!

They've both settled well into their new home. Here's a couple pictures.


Best regards,

Bamber And Gascoigne's Human Has Sent Us An Update!!

Hi Maryam (and everyone),

Hope you're all doing well!

I just thought it might be worthwhile to reach out and let you all know that Bamber (black kitty) and Gascoigne (tabby cat) are doing very well.

I've attached some pictures for your viewing pleasure!!

I've subsequently renamed them to Argo (Argy for a nickname) and Zenith (Zen or Zenny) to represent constellation themes.

Argy (who was Bamber) was actually a girl, despite her records on file back then as a male.
She's a very cute attention-needing cat, who is more play-motivated than food-motivated, and loves butt rubs!
When she wants your attention, there's nothing else you can do but pet her or play with her!
In fact, she tends to flop on the floor when you come by and ask for some very strong belly rubs.
Very lovable, gentle, and gets along well with other humans.
But, given her smaller size she is afraid of other cats (other than Zenny of course!).

Zenny (previously Gascoigne) also had his gender flipped - on record as a girl but was actually a boy!
He's incredibly affectionate and a bit of a cuddle bug.
And boy does he love his food!!!
He will eat nearly anything and everything, and it still wouldn't be enough!
He is very much attached to me and will cry if we are separated even by a bedroom door.
He has grown up large as well, but very majestic!

They still play with each other and lick each other's fur - very much still bonded!

Just thought I'd drop a note and share that update.

Hope all is well and wishing you all the best!



to see more pictures of this adorable duo, check out their Instagram account @zenith.argo

Jade Is Now Known As Gigi!!

Hello! Hope you've all had a lovely week.
We've had our girl for two weeks now, and we've loved every minute of it!
As much as the name Jade suits her, we've decided to rename her Gigi!
On day one we brought her into her "safe room", and within a few hours she was out and about exploring the rest of her home and each day she's become more and more comfortable, and more "herself".

She settled in so surprisingly well and quick, and we definitely owe that to the wonderful foster care she received.
She loves to sprint down the long stretch of our condo when she has the zoomies, she loves jumping to the top of all our closets and shelves, she's always on the ledge of the tub when one of us is showering, she loves naps and play equally, and she's been sleeping with us in bed since night one!
She's curious, goofy, cuddly, chatty, a little sassy, affectionate, silly, active, our little shadow that follows both of us everywhere, and so, so sweet - we love her so much!

Thank you all again for everything you do!
- Kierra and Heath 



Here's An Update On Clover And Marigold!!

Just an update.

It has been 5 weeks with Clover and Marigold.

They are now 2.1 kgs and thriving – up from 1.6 kgs when we adopted them.
Happy, playful and affectionate – although Clover thinks 5am is wake up time!

Clean bill of health from our vet and they are now fully vaccinated.
They will be spayed and microchipped in August.

My daughter and I are so happy to have them in our lives.

Take care,

Panthers' Birthday! Finbar and Eilish Update!!

Hi! it’s Gloria (adopter of Ellie and Finn).

Just wanted to reach out because the little guys turned a year old yesterday!
You were so integral to the first half of their life so I thought an update was in order.
I should note that they are now named Billie and Jack (I loved their original names but both of them were names of pets I had around me as a child).

Anyway, they are growing up to be the most delightful and loving cats, and their personalities are so distinct.
Jack (formally Finn) is a total mama’s boy haha.
He is my alarm clock and he is also a very insistent head butter.
He is so playful and still an excellent jumper.
He’s got a lot of attitude and a lot of heart.

Billie (formally Ellie) is soooo funny.
She is completely aloof and randomly attentive.
Very obsessed with fetching and anything that involves a ball or a tunnel.
She loves to sleep on my chest.
Really she’s just the sweetest thing.

They are still very obsessed with each other, often either wrestling or snuggling.

And really, they’ve just brought so much joy to not only my life but all my friends who have gotten to develop their own relationship with them.
Total crowd pleasers.
I think it’s the eyes.

I hope things are going well in your world!
Thanks again for taking such good care of these guys.
I know that their demeanour and lovability is largely attributed to how you nurtured them those first few months.



P.S. I’ve attached some pics below. 

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Ellie Mae (Now Jenny) One Year In!!


I wanted to send you all a 1 year update on our adoption of Ellie Mae (now named Jenny) in appreciation of all the hard work you do at Abbey Cat Adoptions!

We are the luckiest cat parents to have such an amazing little kitty.

When we first got her she was very shy, hid under everything, afraid of loud noises and after a year of showering her with love and affection and with encouragement from her adventurous older cat brother Giles she is a furball of energy and personality! 

She loves climbing all the towers and steps on her cat wall, playing with feathers on a stick, treats, watching chipmunks and blue jays at the cottage and mostly wrestling with Giles and showing him who is boss (even though he is twice her size)!

Thank you so much again.
Jenny has been such a blessing to all three of us! She is very loved!

All the best,

Here's An Update On Rocky!!

Rocky has been settling in very well.
He’s been slowly warming up and since getting the ingrown nail removed, he’s flourished even more - he loves to play and is very vocally about doing so twice a day.

He is warming up quite a bit and is interacting with me often, eager to get pets, and lie down nearby.

I’ve included a few photos recently.

He’s really a sweetheart and it’s been so special to watch his personality slow come out.



Hi There.

We adopted Cumbria from you almost 20 years ago.

She just crossed the rainbow bridge this morning and she gave us 2 decades of non stop love & affection!

She did not have a mean bone in her body & we loved her deeply and are heartbroken.

She was/is the best cat we have ever had and there will not be another like her.

I just wanted to let you know because I also volunteer with a rescue and always wonder how all the pups we adopt are doing. 

Because of you Cumbria had 20 years of love & I just wanted to thank you for blessing us with her for all this time.

You truly do such good for these sweet souls and it is very much appreciated

(The Hughes’)    

Moonbeam Checks In!!

Some updates and photos of Moonbeam settling in 💛

Things are going well!
We're still in the introduction stage, but we are making slow progress with Tiny's comfort level (Moonie's been very clear about her desire to make friends since day 1, of course).

Moonbeam is doing great, she's being very confident, lots of asking for pets and even some play.  
I've attached a couple of pictures of her exploring the world.

Her nose has been running a bit, with some sneezing (although I can't hear any wheezing), we're not sure if that's seasonal, or if something in our apartment is triggering it.

Tiny seems quite interested in the smell of anything Moonbeam's touched, but she's quite annoyed to have a closed door in the middle of her territory while we're site-swapping. Everybody's eating well and using the litterbox.

Moonie seems to be relaxing quite a bit.

She's been incredibly playful over the last few days, including an adorable habit of grabbing wand toys with her mouth mid-play and walking off with them.
She's claimed a favourite box on my partner's desk where she can see everything in between her naps.

We're taking her in to our vet tomorrow for a basic check-up and intro (and hopefully to get a little help with trimming her nails, which are still quite long, although she's blunted them a little on the rope scratchers).

Some pictures attached!

We're definitely keeping the name, love the name! I'm sure they'll get along fabulously once Tiny gets used to the idea.

Alanis And Olivia With Their New Family!!

Hey all,

Just wanted to give you a 24 Hr update.

The kittens are really coming out of their shells already and finding some fun places to explore.

We have had contact with the big furry white thing (Koda the dog 😉haha) and all is great, he let the kittens come to him.

We didn’t get any work done today ahahaha our new coworkers are distracting and snuggly and purrrr so much! ;)

Thank you we are all so so happy with our new furbabies!! 🥰

I would also like to add we did re-name them. To Ziggy and Zelda.

They slept with us last night and we woke up with the white paws (Zelda) curled up in my husbands hands.

They're the snuggliest kittens ever. we are all so in love 💗   

Michelle & Family   

Nunia Has Settled In Quite Nicely!!

Nunia has been with us for 48hrs and she is absolutely making herself at home although it mostly just in the evenings for now.

She is incredibly cuddly and loves tummy rubs.

Thank you so much so much to Susan and the Abbeycat family .

Definitely going out to get a bigger cat bed she is the biggest cat I have ever seen.:)

Thank you all so much
Shoshana and Jim

Do You Remember Basil And Pepper? Here's An Update!!

Pepper and Basil are the sweetest boys.

They love cuddle time before bed and get along with their little giant brother Irving very well.

They love to groom each other as well as make sure that Irving gets cleaned too.

They are such a good fit to our family and we could not have asked for better cats.

They are the most wonderful boys and we love them so much. 



Here's An Update on Powder And Blizzard!!

 Hi all,

Just confirming that we picked up the kittens this morning and they are now happily purring, playing, and exploring their room.


                                We’ve re-named them Alice and Edward - they are complete darlings!


Crystal And Glacier Have Settled In!!

Hi everyone,

Crystal and Glacier are settling in well!

Their favourite place to sleep and relax during the day are the dining room chairs because they get a view of the window and the sunshine coming in.



Eloise Has Settled In Quickly!!

Thank you everyone!

We picked her up and she is already making herself at home!

We will be sure to send photos once her and Indie meet.

Thank you all again for all your hard work :)

Julianne and Allison

Hey folks,

Wanted to share this little moment!

Tonight Biscotti climbed on top of Allison and asked for snuggles for 45 mintues!

She truly is one of the sweetest cats I've met.


Here's An Update On Oliver And O'Malley!!

Hello Asiya,

The boys are doing great!

Oliver still talks and yells all the time.
O’Malley (now named Catsby O’Malley) licks everyone and loves his brother.

They both get along great with our 18 month old son.

Both are doing well health wise.

Oliver has a sensitive stomach and throws up on occasion.
He was neutered and chipped a while back.
Catsby recovered quick from his hernia surgery.
They are both due for their yearly check up later this month.

Overall, they have been very loving cats and despite their occasional rough play, we are very grateful to have them!

Kind Regards,

                                                                                                                                    Back to Top
Dundas (Now Dundee) Checks In!!

Happy New Year!

I wanted to let you know that Dundee (adopted in December) is settling in very nicely in my home.

He is healthy and very affectionate.
He only hid for 24 hours and burst out to demand pets and attention.

He is a character and seems to enjoy the new place especially climbing.
I’ve been adjusting to make sure he is safe and has a safe path up to his favourite high post where he can observe me and out the windows.

I’m sharing a few pictures.


All the best


Here's An Update On Betty & Wilma!!

Just wanted to send a few updated photos of the girls, they had just finished playing after having their cones on from their spay and finally got to cuddle close 💕


Happy Holidays From Ronan!!

He is doing so well.

He is the most adorable guy.

Sharron & Randy

Merry Christmas From Boo And Tequila!!

Hello Marion,

I hope you are well and continuing your wonderful work of fostering needy kitties.

Tequila is now called Tiqqi and she and Boo have been enjoying their early Christmas gift of a heated blanket.

Boo's health is currently holding fine, she has even become a wee bit chubby!

We will be taking her for follow up tests in the next few weeks to monitor what is happening inside.
She has become very affectionate and playful and we adore them both.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Thea and Ed

Lisa-Marie's Made Herself Right At Home In No Time!!

This little one is fearless and wasted no time making our home hers and learning to play with her new brother.

They took to each other well, enjoy napping on the tower, and chase toys together

It Didn't Take Long For Pierre & Noel To Settle In!!

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to share an update about Pierre and Noel’s first night in their new home.
Jennifer, thank you for a smooth and easy hand off.
It was very clear they have received a lot of love under your care.
Once we got into our car Noel serenaded us all the way home and Pierre was very curious looking all around out the front of the gate of the carrier.
They were a little shy once they got home.
Pierre loved exploring running around and sniffing  every surface he came across whereas Noel hid under the couch for a bit but was easily coaxed out for food, pets, and play time.

Both cats have healthy appetites and have been eating well, playing with their new toys, using their litter boxes and snuggling  up.
They have certainly gotten more comfortable today running around as kings of their new domain!
Their first vet appointment is on Saturday and I will send a follow up with a summary of their check up.
I’ve attached a few pictures of them settling in for everyone.
They are an absolute joy and we couldn’t be more please to have them apart of our family.
Thank you!!

Here's An Update On Aspen & Ash!!

 Hi Abbey Cats,

I just wanted to give you an update on our kittens, they have been with us for almost 3 months now.
They are thriving, they are so playful and love affection.  
They are such an important part of our family. We couldn’t imagine our lives without them.

They always want to be in the same room with one of us.
They really like our company and enjoy curling up on our laps and like belly rubs.

We renamed them Kiki (was Ash) and Juno (was Aspen).

Here is couple of recent photos of them.

Take care,

Pimm &Cointreau Have Settled Right In!!

We picked up Pimm and Cointreau at 11 am today and they are settling in very well.

They’ve had a blast playing together and both are now having a nap on their cat tree. ❤️

Tyler has re-named them Milo (Cointreau) and Max (Pimm).

Tara, Rob & Tyler


An Update On Ash & Ember (Formerly Sunflower & Safflower!!)


We are so happy to have Ash and Ember in our home.
They bring so much joy to our lives.

Ash is definitely the dominant one, she rules the household with an iron fist, always meowing for treats right by the treat cupboard and rubbing her face on your cheeks to butter you up.

Ember is a little more reserved but she loves back scratches riding around the house on her cat dad’s shoulders.

Ember also knows how to play fetch and loves running around with her feather bird in her mouth.

Thanks for setting us up with these two cuties and for continuing your hard work to rescue more precious babies off the streets.


Luca and Hugo Are Now Known As Peyton And Eli!!

Thank you, Abbey Cats, for choosing us to adopt Luca and Hugo (now Peyton and Eli). 

They settled right into their new home; exploring every nook and hiding spot they could find, and climbing anything they could jump on.

They love to play with boxes, climb their cat tree, wrestle with each other, cuddle with us, and pose for pictures.

We love them very much, and are so happy to have them as part of our family.

Chad and Emily


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An Update On Fergus & Lachie... Now Max & Milo!!

Sooo we’ve pick up our new little ones! Fergus & Lachie are now Max & Milo.
Sami and his wife are great foster parents too.
Very informative and even met up with us so we didn’t have far to drive.

We’ve probably taken a few hundred pictures already.

My son and I refuse to go to bed as we watch to watch them peacefully sleep.

Thought I’d share a few pics.


They’ve wandered the house and have climbed almost everything they could.

Thank you for all your help and support.
Lachie / Milo Fergus /  Max

You have an amazing adoption charity and all put in so much hard work.

I thank you for that.

Have a good night / morning

Here's An Update On Joey And Lisa!!!

Great to hear from you!
Joey and Lisa are still doing great and we’re very happy to have them!

They’ve settled down a little bit as they’ve grown, but they’re still huge goofballs.
They play a lot together and with us, and they still sleep together and cuddle constantly.

Lisa is incredibly talkative and constantly chatting with us, and Joey has turned into quite the big sweetheart.
Our girls really love them both too and spend a lot of time with them.

I’ve shared some recent pictures below!

Warm regards,


Saxa And Elvis (now Ash And Morris) Check In!!

I wanted to thank your agency for everything you do for all the cats in need.

Here is an update for two rescues me and my husband have adopted through you.

Formally known as Saxa, we adopted in 2019 and Elvis we adopted in July of this year. Now Ash and Morris.

They are true partners in crime and love to spend the day playing with each other.
They are an inseparable pair.


We've Just Heard From Mallory's Family!!

Hi everyone!

Mallory is doing great, she’s as loving as ever!

She’s doing well, she so snuggly ❤

She’s doing great with the pups, I’m So happy to have her    


An Update On Willow And Elm!!

Hi, I just wanted to update you on Willow and Elm’s transition to our family.   

They are doing well and are settling in nicely.  

Elm has taken to sleeping on my lap in the afternoons while I work and Willow joined him today!

They are eating well and using the litter box and playing with everyone!  

They’ll see the vet on Monday for their first check up.

We couldn’t be happier!!

Thank you for choosing us for these two cuties 🥰

Sarah & family


Erik's Home And Getting Settled!!!


Wanted to let you know Erik made the trip to Kingston this afternoon and was the perfect passenger.

He slept the whole time once on the 401.

He’s settling in well.

I’ll be sure to send more pics as he gets settled in.

Thanks so much, 


Here's An Update On Oreo!!!

Hi Marion and all,

Here are the latest pictures of Oreo and with his resident cat brother, Merlin.
They love to look for trouble and food together.

Thanks for taking care of him,
Angela and Owen

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Betty & Wilma_A Success Story!!

A couple more photos of the girls 💕

They fitting right into our family and I believe are quite comfortable in our home-adopting 2 kittens is a must-I love the bond these sisters have 💕💕  


Oswald & Benjamin - The Week That Was!

Greetings and salutations :-).

So we wanted to give everyone an update on how things are going - but we figured rather than pester you all every day we'd wait a week.
So here it is - the week that was!

Sunday July 24:

The day dawned. Well, it probably dawned - it does most days, but Crys and I were still asleep when it did (blush).
But, um, we're fairly sure dawn took place.
We got up, got Pippa's carrier and drove to Maggie's.
Maggie, you were lovely to meet!
We spent some time saying hi, then  Oswald and Benjamin got into Pippa's cage (easily big enough for both of them), and we drove home.

At home we didn't want to rush things.
So we took Oswald and Benjamin into their temporary new home - the second bedroom you all saw on the Zoom call.
We let them out, and they began to explore while we put some food out.
We spent an hour or so playing with them, then  left them to themselves with the door shut and the cat flap locked, and went out to give Pippa some attention.
We fed them again before we went to bed.

Monday July 25:

We got up. We tend to do that most mornings - but this get up was different.
There were kittens!
Pippa was in her usual sleeping place on the bed. but we went to say hi to the kittens and feed them.
I started work, Crys got to play with the new family  members. Unfair, I say :-)!
Then we fussed Pippa some, and Crys went to work.

At around 15:30 I went to meet Crys from work.
I knew I likely wouldn't be back until maybe 8PM, so I played with them some, and fed them.
I went to meet Crys, who finished later than I do, and we drove home.
This evening was going to be a big step - first introductions!
We played with the kits some, then we each took hold of one, gently but firmly, an d took them out to say hi to Pippa.
She was on her scratcher by the balcony door.
It would be great to say it was love at first sight - but it wouldn't exactly be true.
There was hissing, fairly loud, by Pippa, and half laid back ears.
The kits just wanted down (blush). But there was no attack by Pippa, or lunges.
We took the kits to about two, three feet from Pippa. Yes, more hisses and bared teeth.
But nothing more severe.
We talked to the Empress and talked to the kits.
After about half an hour we took the kits back to their dorm, spent some time playing with them, fed them, then came out and paid some attention to the Empress.
She didn't avoid us or react negatively - though later she wandered close to the second bedroom cat flap and hissed some more.

Tuesday July 26:

Tuesday morning was much like Monday.
Tuesday evening we went for Round 2 of introductions.
Much the same as Monday - the kits securely held, Pippa still hissing, but not as intensely.

Wednesday July 27:

Wednesday morning, same game plan. But we decided to advance/ take a risk Wednesday evening.
When we got home - we took them out of the bedroom while holding them, introduced them to Pippa, then took them a distance away - and let them down to roam, while keeping a close eye on the kits _and_ the Empress.
Pippa hissed some, but made no move as the kits explored.
If they went near her, she hissed louder, and they retreated - but not scared, as far as we could tell.
They just circled round her and explored the main room, bathrooms, our bedroom.
We thought it was pretty amazing!

Thursday July 28:

After Wednesday, we changed it up Thursday morning.
We let the kits out of the second bedroom to free run while we were there.
No attacks, no laid back ears, even though the hisses were still loud.
We put them back in their room when Cry went to work, then when we got back around 8pm, we let them out again.
Hisses apart - the three of them man aged to somehow pretend each other didn't exist, and at the same time weave round each other safely So......

Friday July 29:

We let the kits out when we got up.
And we left them out to free run all day while I was at home and Crys was at work.
There were no negative incidents, though every now and again Pippa would let the kits know who Pippa thought was boss.
So after I called Cry to discuss - I went to meet her from work, and left them all free running together (or, in this case, all sleeping in our bedroom.
Yes, Pippa was on our bed and the kits were in two different parts of the cat tree there, but no negative interactions.
We got back - and the three of them were busy.
Kits playing, Pippa hissing sometimes when they came near, but mostly pretending everything was perfectly normal, thank you!
We decided to leave them all free running that night and to sleep on trip wires. Which didn't, um, get tripped :-).

Since then the kits and Pippa have been free running together with no 'real' issues.
Pippa still hisses sometimes, but mostly half heartedly just to show she's still the Empress.
The kits mostly ignore her - or pretend to retreat a little, then carry on with whatever they were doing anyway.
But there have been some notable events!
Like the time Pippa came by to her food tray to eat - and Oswald was there, eating.
So Pippa hisses at him, though not with any conviction.
Then sat down, and waited for Oswald to finish eating and wander off before going to eat herself. Wow!

Oswald and Benjamin discovered the cat grass tray - and loved it so much they flattened it!

There was the first time they were free running and I went into the bedroom, and saw Pippa lying sleeping our bed - and Oswald lying sleeping is Pippa's cat tree.
And the time Pippa hissed at Benjamin when he was getting close in our bedroom - and Benjamin laid down, put his paws in front of him, no laid back ears, no attack signs - and hissed right back at her. Very firmly.
Pippa? She went up on her feet, jumped sideways - then back away and went somewhere else, like it was always what she'd intended to do.
Benjamin? He curled his head on his feet - and went to sleep, right where he was.
And Oswald's first introduction to cat videos on the TV :-) .

We've included some photos below - so we hope you're just as happy as we are with how socialisation has gone.
We don't know how fast it normally is, but we think this was pretty fast, and went really well!

Our great thanks - and we hope things are well with you all :-).

Crystal and Graeme

Elvis Is Now Morris!!

Hi all,

He is settling in very well.
He wants to play with all the other cats, but they're not quite ready to play yet which results in very cute situations.

I think is going to be perfect here.
I gave him a really good brushing and now he looks super fluffy, see the last picture for the entire other cat I brushed off of him.

He's doing even better now, much fluffier since I gave him a few good brushings and cut out some matts.
The other cats are starting to come around too.

Since he does not respond to "Elvis" we have given him the name Morris, named after the TV show Futurama character Professor Morris Katz.


Glenys Is Now Named Abbey!!

Hello there,

Just following up on our adoption of Glenys in June 2022. 
We decided to name her Abbey! 

We absolutely love her. 
She started adjusting and bonding with us the second day of being here. 
She is a very smart girl, plays with her treats as if they are live prey before actually snacking, sometimes loves to be affectionate, and often "full of beans!" 

She regularly brushes up against us and gives head bumps. 
We are working on weaning her from love bites. 
Dawn did a great job socializing her.  

She's been spayed and recovered like a pro. 

Thank you for helping us adopt Abbey.

Mel & Chris

Preston In His New Home!!

Hi everyone,

Preston is settled very well in our home

Boo and Tequila Have Settled In!!
Spent the morning bonding with new friends over cat dancers, time for snoozing now.


Troy's Living The Good Life Now!!
We've just received some pictures from his family...
Could this boy be any more adorable?  


An Update On Ellie Mae!!

Good morning all,

I wanted to check in and let you all know that Ellie Mae is settling in nicely. We absolutely adore her.
She is a very adventurous playful little girl and is adjusting to her new surrounding quickly.

At your advice, we are taking it VERY slow when introducing her to our other cat Giles.
They are kept in separate side of the house and will currently play with each other’s paws under the door.

Taking it one day at a time with the introduction but so far so good.

Here are a few photos of her in her new space.

Thank you again for all your support!


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Belvedere & Sanderson (Now Remo & Zen) Check In!!

Good Morning Everyone,

And Dearest Jennifer,

You did an excellent job with these kittens and I just wanted to send a couple of pictures plus provide an update.
They both came to cuddle with us in our bed and slept with us last night.
They bonded with us right away.

They are extremely loving and friendly!

Our hearts had been so deeply broken when we had to let our beloved cat of 15 years go and these two little ones have brightened our life in such a short period of time.

We are so grateful to have them and we are so grateful that you could help us!    
Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for helping us find the most wonderful little lifelong friends we could have ever asked for.

We will give them the best love & care possible!

BTW we have renamed them Remo & Zen


Brigitte & Nick    

Here's An Update On Minnow (Formerly Known As Nala)!!

It's been just over a month since I adopted Nala (now Minnow), and I thought I was overdue for an update on how she's been finding her new home. 

She settled in almost immediately.
I brought her home fully expecting her to be timid and shy, but she confidently and bravely explored every inch of her room as soon as I opened her crate.
She's super curious and has enjoyed finding new hiding spots around the house.

Her favourite game is chasing mini tennis balls across the length of the upstairs, and her favourite spots in the house are next to any open window, but she especially likes it when we open the back door.

I've attached a few pictures of her.

I'm super appreciative of the people at Abbey Cats for helping to bring this little sweetheart into my life.



Do You Remember Caroleena? Here's a Note From Her Humans!!

Hi everyone,

It’s been 8 year since I adopted Caroleena and we are a very happy family.
Just wanted to say hello.

Photos attached.
She is a very comfortable princess and I’m very grateful that she came into my life.

Thank you all for what you do!


Triscuit (Now Kisa) Has Made Herself Right At Home!!!

Her mom has shared some pictures (and video) with us. 


Remember Paprika? Here's An Update On Her!
Hi All,

I just wanted to give you an update and send some pictures of Paprika!

She's been doing really well and is impressing me everyday!
Paprika sleeps in bed with me every night and can't get enough cuddles and pets.
She loves to play and run around the apartment chasing her toys.
Paprika can still be a little skittish but it's improving everyday.

I want to thank you all again for bringing us together and I hope you enjoy the pictures.


Another Update On Luther and Zoya (Zoey)

Good evening and happy Wednesday!

I just wanted to pass along a message to show you how well the baby cats are settling in!

They have been home for about a month now and we cannot imagine life without them!! 
They absolutely adore each other (almost as much as the kids adore them!)

Here are a few pics of the happy kitties 🙂❤️


Please pass along our thanks to the amazing fosters that helped care for the kittens when they needed it most!!

Katie (and the entire George family) ❤️❤️ 

Here's An Update On Billy and Peanut!!
Hi Janet

I've attached some photos of Billy and Peanut, please share amongst everyone.
They are doing very well and have made me so happy to share my home with them.
they are quite picky with food but love all salmon related treats.



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Lexie Has Settled In!!


I just wanted to send along some photos of Lexie (and Jimmy).

Lexie is continuing to relax into living with us and becoming more playful.

She is quite snuggly but has her own definite  boundaries.

I know you have limited information on Lexie's past, we still suspect she was abused at some point.

She thinks she is starving and we have had to buy a new garbage can and compost container with lids, and a bread box because she will eat almost anything (!) including loaves of bread or tortillas.

She is a sweet kitty and we're happy she is with us.

Luther and Zoya Are Settling In Nicely!!

The babies are adjusting well!
Perfect addition to our family ️️

They haven’t yet met Georgie (our dog) but Luther sure does like her bed



Olive's Family Checks In!!

Just taking a few minutes to send an update on Olive!
She has settled in quite well, and has really come out of her shell.  

All of the info we received from Mina on her personality was really helpful—she did take some time to get used to her surroundings but now runs the show!.

She spends a lot of the day sleeping in the sun, people/birdwatching in windows, and rolling at your feet to get petted.  

We are so thankful to the volunteers at Abbey Cats for the care that you put into your work, and that we were connected with Olive!

Thanks from the Neziols




Here's An Update On Adam!!

Just a quick update …..
Adam is doing very well.
He has very much come out of his shell - cuddles up often - loves being pet, he’s eating very well.

Loves to chase moving reflections on the wall, has his favorite mouse toy that he will bring to me sometimes - enjoys sleeping on the heat vents when the furnace is on, likes to play wrestle.

He's doing very well.

Did a little check up at vet last week - all is good - zero issues

Thanks for all the work you do trying to find homes for these lovely animals.

Here is a pic of him - he just jumped on my lap while I was at computer studying ;)



Mango and Cash, Now Mona & Mouse!!

Hi Everyone, 

I thought you'd all like to know that both cats are settling in nicely.

Within a few days, they overcame their shyness. They're eating well and using the litter box.

We did change their names.
The female is Mona, and the male is Mouse.

Here's a photo from yesterday.

Paul and Blake

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Felix Is Settling In!!

Just wanted to let you all know that Felix has settled in very well.
It took a couple of weeks before the aggression between the two of them subsided.
They're rough and tumble buddies now. Between naps of course.

Thanks again for walking us through the process.



A Note From Carlyle & Cunningham's Family!!

Hi Asiya, 

I just thought I'd let you know that Carlyle and Cunningham have settled in very well.
They are joined at the hip and love the kids and getting into trouble.
Carl is a shameless snuggler.
Cunningham loves playing in their water dish.
They've got their first vet checkup on Friday.

Thanks for taking such good care of them. :)  
Best wishes to you and your family, 

Here's An Update On Allegra!!

Hi Everyone!

Allegra is settling in very well.
She took her time getting out of the carrier upon coming home.
We eventually helped her come out and by the end of that first day she had explored most of the house, knew where her box and food were and found her first spots to hide out.

She now comes around for pats and belly rubs, likes to sit in various windows and likes to play chasing the string and balls and with the dangling mouse on the mini cat tower.

Here’s some pics of her enjoying all these things.
Thanks for all you do and special thanks to Ezgi for giving her lots of love and a great place to stay!

Best Regards,

Craig and family.

Do You Remember Cassius??

This guy had quite the adventure prior to his adoption..

He managed to escape from his foster home and was missing for a while before he decided that life on the lam outside was not for him and allowed himself to be captured.

We have just received this wonderful update on him... now known as Casper.

Hi Marion, Hope all is well with you.

Just a quick update on our beautiful loveable boy Casper.
Two years have flown by and Casper has come into his own!
He has finally decided it's ok to get on the furniture and the beds.
He loves to bask in the sun and enjoys sitting in the windows and by the doors to watch the birds and the world go by.

He has learned to finally trust us as much as he can.
When he first got here, he was very timid and only allowed us to pet him from behind.
He now comes for loving all the time and sits beside me when I'm on my computer.
He now also sleeps on the bed beside me and after much work comes every morning at 7:10 when called to get brushed. Yes 7:10 on the nose and lets me know if I'm late! LOL he's a funny boy.

He still has his cute little almost silent meow and loves to play with his toys and gallop around the house like a horse.
He has his favorite soft toy ball that he bats back at me when I throw it to him.
Oh, and he still loves chasing his treats.
As soon as he hears the treat bag, he's right there along with his sister Suzy.
Yes, thankfully his Suzy, after being so sick we thought we'd lose her, is doing well and just turned 14!

Anyway, long story short he is now a very happy boy, who is so very loved and spoiled rotten!
We couldn't imagine life without Casper! He has brought so much joy, fun and laughter into our lives.
He and Suzy are our fur children, our family!

Rennie (Previously Named Stormy)!!

Good morning everyone

I wanted to send you an update on our new little girl Rennie. She is adjusting really well. Absolutely loves people. She is not timid at all and is seeking our attention. She has the biggest purr in that little body. She is rubbing up against us all and asking for belly rubs. Loud noises or sudden moves still make her jump but I think that will ease with time. I’ve been able to pick her up for a few seconds of chin scratches and cuddles before she squirms out of my arms but even that is getting better.

She is currently living in Natasha’s room and is jumping up on Natasha’s bed and curling up with Natasha to sleep. Tash didn’t get much sleep last night because Rennie decided 3am was a good time to attack toes lol. Rennie is a real cuddle bug.

We have slowly introduced Rennie and Bella. Bella is not so sure. Rennie on the other hand is wanting to play. She even was trying to rub up against Bella but Bella wanted nothing to do with that. We are only letting them spend 5-10 mins at a time to make sure that they don’t have any negative interactions. They are willing to both have treats side by side when they are having these sessions which is amazing. They are playing paws under the door as well which is good.

We have not introduced Rennie to Molly yet. Molly will love her but we wanted to get Rennie and Bella interacting first. We have three baby gates that we are going to stack in Natasha’s doorway that will allow us to have the door open and all the animals to get to see each other and be exposed to each other’s scents (Bella can jump 2 stacked as we discovered this morning).  This also allows them to be able to retreat if needed. Fingers crossed this goes well because Rennie wants to explore. She is constantly trying to and has successfully escaped from Natasha’s room a number of times.

Julie you mentioned she was coming out of her shell and I can say that she has. She’s an absolute sweetheart. Now we just have to convince Bella of that 😁


Rhonda and Anton, One Day In!!

We've just received more pictures of this adorable duo:

The kittens are already making themselves right at home...
We got this video from their new dad

Hello All

So far so good!

Rhonda is indeed very curious and Anton does nibble on our fingers when excited haha


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Percy And Tina After Just One Day!!

So far they are getting along amazingly!

Started playing together right away and seem totally at ease.                                 


An Update On Kendall!!

Hi all,

I just wanted to share an update on Kendall.
She made herself at home right away and is doing great!
She loves finding unusual spaces to sit and stare out the window.
I've attached some pics of her getting comfortable.

Thank you!


Fang (Previously Known As Ebony)!!

I had the absolute pleasure of adopting Fang (used to be Ebony!) from Abbey Cats in September of 2020.

Fang started out super super shy and would only come out in the evenings. Before I knew it, she turned into the most affectionate little gal I’ve ever met. From a cat scared of her own shadow to now sleeping with me every night, cuddling, playing with her million toys and meeting so many new people.

She has truly become my best friend and the most amazing thing I have ever done!    

So grateful to have connected with Abbey Cats!


Isla and Jingle (Now Adara and KitKat) Are Settling In!!

Hello everyone!
We are happy to report that Isla and Jingle have adapted well to their forever home!

With Lilianna's help, they have been renamed Adara and KitKat :)

The integration with Opie, our 11 year old cat, has been going remarkably well.
Still a little hissing here and there but mostly, everyone is tolerating one another's presence.

Many thanks again! All the best,

Caroline & Barry

A Note From Koritsi's (Now Moon) Family!!
Dear Abby Cat Rescue and the fantastic team there,

Back in April 2021, I had the pleasure of adopting Moon (formerly Koritsi) from your great organization! I just wanted to reach out with a little update on my girl.

She settled in seamlessly and has given me so much love. She has become quite the cuddler and loves to sleep on me every night. She spends her days basking in the sunlight at the window and watching the squirrels run wild. She has discovered her love of little fluffy balls and is the best study buddy I could ask for. She has definitely become my little shadow and follows me everywhere, especially when I'm on my way to the kitchen. From the moment I brought her home, she has been a perfect fit for my little family.

I adore her meows and thank goodness because she is very vocal! Although when she's really happy she sounds more like a little pigeon! She is the funniest cat and always makes me laugh with her antics. Her personality has really come through these last few months transforming from the shy and tiny momma cat to this rambunctious, cooky shadow that runs my house.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Alessandra & Moon

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Largs and Esther!!
Hi Everyone,

Raven and Blaze (the renamed Ester and Largs) are loving their forever home.

It took Blaze about 10 minutes to climatize himself and Raven took a few days. But, she is definitely the ringleader of trouble!

They love to be pet, cuddled, and chased.

The boys are definitely wearing them out, and they love when the kittens are willing to sleep with them at night.

Thanks for all your assistance

Josie Checks In!!
Hi Marion!

Just wanted to update you on Josie, I renamed her Phoenix then changed to Ginkgo.

Ginkgo adjusted very well to living with us and our existing cat Phoebe.
Phoebe is still very temperamental with Ginkgo although Ginkgo is unbothered.

I think with Phoebe its mostly jealousy and some uncertainty about sharing us and her space.

Ginkgo loves to play and cuddle.
We love her and I think Phoebe secretly tolerates her when we’re not around 😝 hope you’re well!

Here's some photos.
Feel free to share with the abbey-cats team.
Thanks again!

Rochelle and Adeline!!

Hi Abbey Cats!

We are so very in love and thankful to have found our purrfect fur babies thanks to you and your amazing services.

The gals are adjusting so well and are extremely snuggly and so very sweet and funny.

After getting to know these beautiful creatures a bit more we have taken to calling them Pythia (Rochelle) and Persephone (Adeline).

We call Rochelle, Pythia, after the Greek Oracle of Delphi…because when she looks at you with her great big eyes it’s like she’s staring into your soul and seeing the future ;) And Adeline we call Persephone after the Greek goddess of the Underworld because she loves to hang out in dark cuddly spaces…plus she’s a bit of a diva ;)

Thank you again for all you have done and are doing, you made this process so smooth, seamless and your diligence in vetting adopters is exceptional and appreciated.

Thanks for helping make our little family complete!
With love,
Brooke, John, Persephone (Adeline) and Pythia (Rochelle)

Casper and Tobie!!

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to give you an update on Casper and Tobie. 
They are both doing great and the transition into our home went smoothly. 
They are very active, curious, playful kittens who love to snuggle with each other and even with our dog.
The dog is still not sure of what is going on but she is out numbered so she just gave up. 😆

Thank you for all your help and especially to Sanda for being so kind and responsive. 
Below are pics of the boys.




Ember Is Settling In Nicely!!

Ember (formerly Bec) has been the perfect addition to our home.

We had recently adopted a 1yr old mama cat who needed a bit more action than our 14yr old kitty could give.

Ember has fit right in and gives Olive a run for her money while surprisingly also inspiring Moka to run and play as well.

Thank you Abbey Cats for all your hard work and Marion for fostering Ember and taking such good care of her.

She is the cuddliest little girl and we love her.

Thank you


An Update on Evie & Shilo!

Hi Abbey Cats,

It's the Minard family proud adopters of Evie & Shilo.

Just wanted to let you know that the little ones are doing well and adjusting to their new home.
They have brought so much joy to our family, we just love love them!

They are so sweet and fun to watch.

They are getting bigger, but still squeeze in to sleep in the top level of our cat tree together!
The girls just adore them.

Hope you are doing well and are enjoying the holiday season.

All the Best

Ronan would like to wish you a Merry Christmas!

He has settled in nicely and is doing so well.
He is an amazing cat with a wonderful personality. 
He loves to be brushed and to play.

Sharron & Randy


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I'm not sure if you remember me - my name is Elizabeth, I adopted Scarlett in July of 2021 alongside my partner, Naomi. I'm not even entirely sure if this is the right way to contact you or Abbey cat adoptions. Hopefully this reaches you well; otherwise if you have an appropriate email for me that I could send this to I'd appreciate it if you passed it on to me.

I just wanted to update you and the Abbey Cat Adoption team. Scarlett is doing incredibly well and has adjusted to her home amazingly over the past few months. She came to us incredibly shy and scared - as advertised - but has since flourished into the funniest, sweetest can I've ever known. She's still a bit timid, which is perfectly reasonable, but has come out of her shell in so many interesting ways.

She is insanely playful. I've known quite a few barn cats in my life which are known to be quite rambunctious, and she surpasses even them. Cartwheels, backflips, butt wiggles, the works. She absolutely adores her feather on a string. The second you pick it up, her eyes go wide as saucers!

She is vocal! Which is a huge surprise given how incredibly shy both her foster and we recognized her to be. For a while I wasn't even sure she knew how to meow. She started experimenting with the tiniest little mews after a few weeks, but has since ramped up to full-on concerts at the slightest provocation. Breakfast, dinner, someone coming home, you've ignored her for 15 minutes... anything will start her up. And it's a joy. She has a loud, high meow like a kitten. It's incredibly sweet.

LOVES to be pet. To be fair, it is still a little tough getting her comfortable enough to be touched. But she has a few favorite "safe spots" - her bed by the fireplace, her heated bed on Naomi's desk to name a few - where she totally lets her guard down. She purrs and nuzzles and rubs like she's never been pet in her life. She is so loving.

As for our rabbit, Pekoe - they get along great. We haven't managed to catch them snuggling together (as as promised for a Christmas card) but Scarlett has rubbed up against her a few times. Most of their interactions involve Scarlett playfully pouncing on her to Pekoe's begrudging tolerance, or Scarlett scampering away when Pekoe runs up to her. They're an incredibly sweet duo. I think Pekoe really makes a perfect match for her - enough to offer some non-human companionship, but not so much as to overwhelm her timid nature.

Mostly I'm emailing you all this first and foremost as a thanks for all your hard work at the adoption center. Between ensuring Scarlett had a wonderful foster before us, making sure we matched up well and how thorough all of the examination was. It was a very reassuring experience. But it's also because through the adoption process, we got the sense that everyone working with us cared for this cat very deeply. And I wanted to reassure you all that this once very timid, undersocialized cat has truly blossomed.

Happy holidays to you all,

- Elizabeth

Elka & Capen

We wanted to follow up and say thank you again, we could not be happier. Elka and Capen are fitting in perfectly. We thought we would send some pictures of them in their new home so we can share how happy they are.



Connie & Clarence




Autumn (now Lola) is doing great! I’ve learned she loves her butt scratches and that I need to
get a rug or two so she doesn’t slip around when she’s trying to stick her butt up in the air
as high as possible. She’s eating and drinking and exploring her new home and I think she’s
getting more and more comfortable.
She is just the sweetest girl and I’m so happy to have her.


Ingrid and Gunther

It sure didn't take these two long to settle in.
Within hours of arriving at their new home, they were playing and exploring their new digs. 
Ingrid is quite adventurous.

Stripes & Spots

A HUGE thank you again to Kerri and Michael who were such wonderful foster parents to these two and had the very tough job of entrusting these precious little ones to us after raising them and loving them from so little. They are such happy, beautiful, healthy little souls with big appetites for food, playing and affection!
They have both settled in so beautifully, with Stripes forming an instant and very strong bond with Ethan, and Spots loving play time with the twins and with his sister, but equally loving copious amounts of snuggles during the day time in my cardigan! He often joins my zoom calls, much to the delight of my colleagues, to open up one eye and promptly doze right back off to sleep in my cardigan until the next play and cuddle session with the boys.
Our old boy, Bean, has sniffed them both out thoroughly and seems very fascinated and pleased with them. However, it will be a while before we allow them all to be together unsupervised as the little ones seem a bit unsure of our friendly giant (understandably so) at this early stage.
These two have brought so much love and joy into our home in the short time that they’ve been with us - a very big thank you to all!

Cats Cats

Sawyer & Emery

I wanted to give a one year update about Sawyer and Emery. They are still best buddies and Emery has given Sawyer a lot of courage to explore and meet some limited immediate family. Ever since they first ventured out of the room one step at a time, Emery has shown Sawyer that the world is not too scary anymore! They are both so loving with Caytlin and I, as well as with one another. Every night Emery crawls into the crook of Caytlin's arms for a cuddle, where he typically stays for most of the night! Sawyer likes to sleep at my (Shawn's) feet. They have no desire to bug us for food in the morning, and would rather sleep in.
Also, they have remained indoor cats for their safety, but I have set up a lot of great spots to look outside, and I've had some windows opened recently to catch some of the fresh breezes.
They also have half of our downstairs set up as a "play arena" which includes a cat tower, a tunnel, and some blankets, and paper bags, along with a truck full of different toys. It's the routine every morning and night to run them downstairs in "the arena" to get their energy out. In the odd times we miss a play session, they run after one another and play fight gently like good brothers.
Thanks for a great experience, and for trusting us with these little brother kitties.

Cats Cats

Summer & Spring (Ivy & Bean)

A little over a week since we brought them home and we just wanted you all to know that Summer & Spring (renamed Ivy & Bean, after a book series the girls all loved when they were little) are settling in very nicely. Our older cat, Seven, is slowly embracing her new role as big sister to these rambunctious little ones. They have already brought us such joy, during what has been a difficult year for everyone. Thanks for everything!


Chili & Chai

It was a great first day with the kitties. They ate, played, found the litter and explored. They're now exhausted and it's time for them to go to bed! Thanks once again for all the effort to get them here.


Markova (Molly)

It’s coming up on a year since I picked up my Molly, then known as Markova. I wanted to share some pictures of her in her new home. Thank you for taking care of her! And thanks to the abbey cats Reps who helped me pick out the perfect cat for me.


Beau & Babette

We have decided to call them Otis (Beau) and Ollie(Babette). They are settling in very nicely, such a happy distraction at such a stressful time.
Melissa and Jeff


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Falk & Finbar

A year in and the boys are doing great, thanks for everything Jill and Samir. They must have some Maine Coon in them, because they kept growing... and growing... they're both 12 pounds and slim. 

Cats Cats
Cats Cats

Luke & Greedo

Luke and Greedo are settling in well in their new home, only 2 days there and they're already snuggling!


Sullivan & Snowshoe (Clarissa)

I would like to give you an update on my kitties that I adopted from your agency back in November 2019. They are adorable and well behaved cats. I am so glad that I adopted two of them.

Sullivan being curious and very social helped Snowshoe come out of her shell. They are so lovable. They are fussy eaters. I have never met a cat that does not like Tuna or fish, but Sully turns his nose at it, he prefers meat but Snowshoe loves fish. My daughter has a cat Diesel also a rescue and he is just like their big brother when he visits. They adore him.

Here are a few pictures.

Cats Cats


Thank you so much. She is the best and I love her so much! I adopted her from you guys in Nov 2019 and she has made me so happy. I know in her original bio you guys had said she always meows for food when you open the fridge. She has gotten better with that but my dad calls her “feed-me” instead of her name “phoebe” because it sounds the same. I don’t think he has ever called her by her real name to this day.

 width=  width=

Luna & Levi

Just wanted to send you some pictures of the kittens. We renamed them. It is Levi and Luna now. They are doing well and fitting in nicely here. 



I am so grateful to have Abby in my life.
It's just over six months, but it feels like I've always had her.
She's a source of delight and companionship, every day!
Cats Cats


 CatsThank you so much for assisting us to receive the most wonderful gift of our whole year - our handsome wonderful boy!










Ollie & Stan

I thought I would share some photos of Ollie (Bitsy) and Stan. They are settling in quite well and both are now comfortable being in the room with us instead of hiding and they are running around and playing with us and each other (even when we are there!). 
We had to take down the Christmas tree yesterday because both of them just love to climb up and knock the ornaments off. 
Stan is still quite shy but Ollie is a social butterfly. She follows us from room to room to see what we are doing and today we had our first petting session!  Here’s hoping Stan allows us to pet him soon also. 
I will send more photos next week once we have made more progress.
Cats Cats

Izzy & Tucker

I just wanted to give you a little update on the kitty’s.

It has been so great adopting them and we love them so much. They are definitely a lot of fun. Both Izzy & Tucker are extremely affectionate. Izzy likes to talk a lot . When she is resting whenever she rolls over or stretches she talks. When its feeding time she likes to jump at my leg & meow. I guess I take too long.

Tucker likes to sit on his hind legs & if you bend down he will put both of his paws on either cheek & kisses us. It’s the cutest thing.

The babies have completed their shots & on Dec 4th they just got fixed. They have recovered quick from this and have gone back to their playful self's

Delphine (now Scout) & Maxime (now Maxwell)

Just wanted to send a quick update on Delphine (now Scout) and Maxime (now Maxwell). They settled in nice and quickly and can usually be found in their favourite napping spot among the sweaters in our closet. They also get along great with our dog, D’Arcy, and it’s so fun to watch the three of them playing together.

Thanks again for your help through the process!

Cats Cats

Theo (now Loki) & Phoebe (now Adora)

Theo (now Loki) and Phoebe (now Adora) in their superhero capes and having a nap together. Talk about cuteness overload!

Cats Cats

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Dusty & Ash

Thank you Abbey Cats! We just adopted Dusty and Ash.

Cats Cats



Bonnie was very timid when she first arrived, and she spent the first week with me hiding under my bed and emerging only at night when I was sleeping. Slowly, she began to emerge more and more, staring at me with great interest but not approaching. With lots of patience and treats, she has grown to trust me, and now one of her absolute favourite spots to be is curled up in my lap for cuddles! She’s still cautious around new people and in new places, but her confidence is growing and I know she’ll make more friends with time.
Bonnie is an extremely curious kitty, and she loves to sit anywhere that she can look out the window and watch the world - she especially loves when the window is open so she can smell the outside world too! She’s also very playful, and she loved chasing crinkly balls or anything that makes noise - she’ll pounce and zoom around like a kitten!
Bonnie has a couple of habits we’re working on, but she’s an incredibly well-adjusted girl for a kitty with a tumultuous past, and she’s truly the sweetest companion I could have hoped for.
A huge thank you to everyone at Abbey Cats for listening to what I was looking for and suggesting this sweet girl to me.

Liam & Theodore


We've been very busy enjoying our kitties and making them feel at home. And it certainly feels like they are. Liam, now Macallan (or Mac), has shown more interest getting to known our dog Jameson; while Theodore (now Talisker or Tali) has elected to keep a little distance. Both boys are busy running all over the house, playing with their many toys, sleeping in multiple places and drinking out of the big dog bowl. Mac has recently found a new hobbie of watching the squirrels from the front window. Both are great cuddle bugs and we always hear a roaring purr from Tali. They did amazing for their vaccines last week and I gave them a perfect bill of health.
Thanks again for your wonderful care of them when they were with you!

Fern & Aster


Hi there!
Kittens seem to be doing well. Eating, playing, sleeping....a lot. I’m very happy!

Faith & Xander

Good afternoon
Just a quick note to let you know that the kittens are settling in nicely and all is going well. Everyone is very happy.
Thank you all.


Good morning
Just want to say a Big thank you to Abbeycats for our gentleman PRINCE
He likes to talk to us and we now know where we stand in the household - lol

Perkins & Clarence

Hello Jill, I'm not sure if you are still with Abbey Cat Rescue but wanted to let you know that Perkins and Clarence, bonded brothers that were adopted on July 13, 2016 are doing well. Their names are Prince and Bowie. They are now 8 years old and living quite the life. Thank you for providing the opportunity to bring these boys to live with us...they bring us joy every day.
Fran and Timmie

Livorno & Dell

I just wanted to share some pictures with you of Tintin (formerly Livorno) and Monty (formerly Dell). They have settled in nicely and are slowly learning to fit in with our two resident cats. It's such a joy watching them play!


Beatrix & Pip

The Kitty's are doing very well. We were amazed at how quickly they became comfortable in their new home. We mulled over a few names and decided to keep them the same, Beatrix and Pip.


Angus & O'Malley

The boys are settling in and excited to check out their new toys!


Midi is doing great! He’s made himself at home. It took a few days for him to settle in and get used to his new home but it’s his house now just as much as mine. I couldn’t be happier either. I missed having a cat around but I didn’t realize how much I missed having a cat until he came here. He usually sleeps in bed with me at the beginning of the night and then in the chair next to my bed for the rest of the night. He’s very relaxed and easy going just as you said and loves to be pet and have my full attention ha ha ha. And you can absolutely post those pictures as a success story if you’d like. Here are a few others if you want to use as well if you like. Thanks again for fostering him and to everyone at Abbey Cat Adoptions for everything you guys do! Shawn

Sam (Eugene)

Hi everyone,

All is going well. Eugene (formerly Sam) is the world's friendliest cat. No problems with settling in, litter boxes, vet visit, or meeting Mids (Midnight). They have been acting like they have always known each other; it's fantastic.

It's also a great reminder to me that it's *so* worth adopting a mature/older cat. Everyone wants the kittens, but there's way less uncertainty with a mature cat. Their personalities are established and easy to see, and they are so much fun. Mids is 10 and Eugene is 5, and they are both full of beans and so lovely.

Thank you for all your great work in taking care of these cats who need a home- a special thanks to Yulia for taking good care of Eugene until we could pick him up!

Here are a few photos for your enjoyment.

Take care and stay safe,

Zazu (Kody)

it’s me, Kody boy. I am doing very well and a I love my new home and my people, and am getting used to the other felines and canine in my house. I love lying across Mama’s neck when she is sleeping, then she gently moves me over and then I sleep by her shoulder. I love her very much. She loves me and tells me so, every 15 minutes, all day. Mama just retired last week, and now she is home with me all day, every day! My vet tells me that I am actually between 3-5 years old. So now that I am older, can I boss my brother and sisters? Hmmm...I also have a very slight allergy to chicken, so I scratched, but mama has switched my diet and I am not itchy anymore.

Here are some pictures. My family says I am soooo beautiful!! There is also a picture of Logan and Aria who I play with, but Aria hisses too much. I am in the last two pictures...

Love you all, and thank you all for saving me so that I can have the most loving family in the whole world.

Chima (Molly)

Chima (now Molly) is very happy ruling the roost in her new home with Jason, Kate and Mumford. Mumford and Molly play on the cat tree together, taking turns at the top. The bathroom is also a favourite hang out before nap time or tv time together on the couch.

We are so happy for all of them.



We just got a new picture of Franny enjoying her new home.


Roxy & Phantom

Hi All,

I am attaching a picture of Roxy (Hildy) and Phantom (Chip). It is hard to get both of them together in the same picture as they are always moving around.
There was a rabbit in the backyard which took their attention so I was able to get this shot. I hope the picture comes through okay. The two of them are the best of friends and get along amazingly well. They are such good, loving kittens (almost cats) and we love having them.
Thank you for helping us to adopt them.


Lumi & Brillo

Hello to everyone at Abbey Cats,

Writing to you to give you the happy family update for Lumi/Brillo (now Luna) and her brother Cardinal/Mohawk (now Picasso).

These siblings have come into our home and family without missing a beat and are happy and healthy. 

They are so well adjusted, we think, because they received such a good start with their cat mum and foster family. Thanks for that! They are playful and loving and cuddly and bring us joy every day. The kids are happy to care for and entertain them and patiently remove them from tables, plants, and wire-chewing activities about 1000 times a day. 

Here are some pics of them for you to share. We hope all are well - especially the kitten's mum and brother. 


All the best, 

Monica and family

Balthazar & Melchior Are Settling In

Hi All

It took a couple of days, but the boys are now racing around their room.
They have met the other cats, but so far it is only Ivy who has shown an active continuing interest in their presence and who seems not to intimidate Balthazar who is indeed a very skittish little man.
Melchior by contrast is rather unflappable - cool as a proverbial cucumber.
(Riley at least is no longer terrified by new kittens as he has been in the past).
We'll be letting them explore a bit more of the house soon while we supervise.
Thanks again!

Leon and Nina



Just wanted to update you! We decided to name her "Camber" she is doing great!
She has her own space in her large dog kennel set up for her in my room.
Doesn't mind the other animals at all!
I let her wanted my room this evening and she seems to be settling in quite well.
Eating and drinking great!
Here's a few photos.

Thanks for this sweet little girl!

Happy New Year From Flortine

Hello Abbey cats and happy new year!

I just wanted to take the time to thank you guys for connecting me with what's been the best addition to my year.

I adopted Mhysa (previously Flortine) on Valentine's Day 2019 and she's been nothing short of loving, affectionate and the sweetest friend. She's made the bad days so much better.

When I first adopted Mhysa she hid for 4 days under my couch. She would only come out at 5 in the morning (very discreetly) or when I was away. She was unbelievably skittish.
but then after two weeks she got used to me and that's where her personality became very apparent  mhysa is quiet, gentle and loving. She follows me around to every room and loves being pet. At first you couldn't pick her up or clip her nails but now the instant I go to lift her she starts purring and rubbing her head. She's chatty but her meow is adorable it's high pitched and sounds like a kitten.

She has also showed 0 aggression to me and friends, rather put a hand near her and 100% of the time she will start licking you. Mhysa is honestly the cutest ball of cotton who loves to play with the laser pointer or the wand or her fav is the pompoms with aluminum foil.

Everytime I go home I am welcomed by a happy kitty chirping and brushing against my leg. She is so much to me. Thank you ❤



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In order to speed up the adoption process, please complete an online application .Due to OVERWHELMING demand we regret we are unable to respond to voice mails at the present time.
We are being swamped with calls.

If you are seriously interested in adopting, fostering or surrendering a cat please complete an online application

Need help finding the perfect fit for your family?

All of the cats under Abbey Cats care are in foster homes, where they receive one on one attention in a home environment.

Our adoption counsellors are familiar with each cat's unique needs and personalities
- please give us a call and we will be happy to help you find your match!

** Please note, due to the nature of our organization we are constantly rescuing new animals.
If there is a specific breed / age / gender that you are looking for, we encourage you to keep checking back.

Once a cat is ready for adoption, they will be posted on the website - we do not have waiting lists. **