Pepper and her siblings were found alone and afraid under a deck up north before coming to Abbey Cats.
This stunning midnight black baby girl was fearful of her foster parent at first, but with gentle and consistent interactions, she is coming out of her shell quickly.
Although still cautious around humans, Pepper loves to play freely with her fellow foster kitten who has been a huge help in demonstrating that humans are safe and approachable.
She also has no fear of her older foster siblings even if they aren't in the mood to play, and she will approach them regularly for a soft place to sleep.
Pepper will thrive with a family that is gentle and understanding of her slightly more reserved personality.
A kitten companion is a must to build her confidence and ensure she grows into the calm and regal beauty she is meant to be.
Friendly cats and respectful dogs are suitable for Pepper, but small children may be a bit too much excitement for her shy demeanour at this time.
In no time she will be as outgoing as her foster sister Zelda
Pepper needs to be adopted with another kitten, and Zelda is her perfect match.
Please bear in mind that it is against Abbey Cat policy to adopt a single kitten under the age of six months to a home without a kitten of similar age for company.
Pepper & Zelda |